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Photo Grids

The Photo Grids I created are bellow. I had to use Elements of desgin with principles of Art to create each of these grids.  These grids each effectivly show how the elements and principles work tegeather In many ways.

Creature Creations

The Creatuer Creatios project was to get us to learn how to use Adobe Photoshop Elements to create collages. The Creature Creations each have a pictures brought togeather to create new pictures. The first creature creation bellow is flowers croped and placed togeather to look like fish and coral. The second Creature Creation is rocks croped to create a turtle. Each creation is made of multiple images to create one interesting image. 

Art with a Message

Free Regin Collages

I created four free regin collages with the theme of music. Music is very much apart of my life so these collages reflect a peice of me. The one collage the music path is simplely musical insturments on a cloud with a person walking on a path by them. It shows that music can lead you anywhere even allow you an escape from everyday life. There are two other collages similar to this one called music path 2 and music wonderland. Music path two is the istirements with the different clouors. This peice sends the message that walking a path of music is colourful and inviting. The third one that looks like music path is a music wonderland. I used special effects to bend the clarinte into waves and made the piano look like a drawinging. This peice just shows how wakey and creative music is. The final collage looks different from the others and its called Insturments. This one has a mask to make the sheet music look faded into the back ground. The insturments are gatherd around the piano and the bottom of the page. This peice reflects me and how crazy my life is with the busy jumble of insturments.

Digital Design

The Art with a message project is to gather images and create a collage that sends a meaning. I chose to focus on child soilders and show how wrong it is to send children into battle. The first collage really shows the pain and what child soilders are put through. The falling buildings are supose to show the distruction and pass the message that its not alright to force children into fighting. Children are our future and teaching them to destroy and kill is destroying our world like this peice. The second collage also sends the message that is is wrong to make children fight and the horrur that you put them through in this peice. It shows this with the destresed children crying children watching the vilage being taken over. It shows how deveistating it is to watch their friends being taken and being forced to fight. Overall these collages are sending the message how wrong it is to force children to fight and how devistating it is for these children.

Turtle Creature

Water Flower

Childrens Town

The kids Home

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